About Permanent Cosmetics
Permanent Cosmetics, otherwise known as Permanent Make Up, Micro-dermal Pigmentation, and or Dermal Pigmentation, is applied by tattooing specially formulated pigments into the dermal layer of the skin on the same areas one would normally apply traditional make up. Eyebrows, eyeliner and lips are the three most common services performed by Permanent Cosmetic artists.
Specialty areas of application would be Scar and Skin Camouflage and Areola Recreation for breast cancer survivors as well as breast augmentation recipients.
Method of application varies amongst each Permanent Cosmetic Artist. There are several types of machines made specifically for cosmetic tattooing. Machines range from traditional coil , digital and rotary. The hand tool method is also popular. Different modalities can be combined to achieve the desired outcome for each client.
Diane Molinaro CPCP uses the digital and rotary machines. She is also trained in and uses the hand tool method. Choice of modality will depend on which service is requested, age, and condition of skin of the client. She has extensive knowledge and skill of each modality.
Pre-Booking Considerations
Permanent Cosmetics require a personal consultation of each prospective client. Each person will be given thorough knowledge of the service requested. A health questionnaire will be filled out to see if the client is a good candidate for permanent cosmetics. The client is also allowed to ask questions. Getting to know the client and vice versa will determine if artist/client is a good “fit”.
Upon booking the appointment a nonrefundable deposit is taken. The remainder of the service fee will be paid at the first appointment. This also prepays your second visit. Pre-service instructions are given to the client and must be followed!
Anyone using Latisse must refrain from use for 4 weeks before Eyeliner service!! Eyelash Extensions must be removed prior to service as adhesives can cause possibilities for infection or irritation if tattooed into the skin! Long wearing eyeliners and lip sticks must also be stopped for at least 4 weeks prior to service!! Lips must be exfoliated nightly with a soft tooth brush and a moisturizing lip balm used daily to loosen the “glue-like” substances contained in long wearing cosmetics. They make tattooing through to the dermal layer of the skin virtually impossible!!
All clients who have experienced cold sores, MUST pre-treat with an anti-viral medication prior to and after a lip service of any kind!! Your physician will determine the amount of medication needed for your service. We recommend approximately 3 days prior, day of and 3 days post procedure, however, NOT being physicians, we cannot prescribe the dosage.
Day of Appointment
Please arrive with a make up free clean face, comfortable clothes, and having had something to eat at least an hour prior. NO Caffeine the morning of a morning appointment and NO Caffeine at lunchtime for an afternoon appointment!!! Caffeine will inhibit the topical anesthetics used by the artist!! No excessive alcohol the night before the appointment as it is a blood thinner. Clients on prescription blood thinners must disclose to artist at the consultation.
All markings of placement will be approved by the client BEFORE actual work commences!!!! This is YOUR face and service (s) will be done to YOUR liking and agreed upon shape or style!
All services are a minimum of 2 visits!! SOME require more, it all depends on the clients service. The consultation will determine how many visits the client will need to achieve the desired outcome.
Post Appointment Aftercare
After your service you will be given specific Aftercare Instructions. These instructions MUST be followed to give you the best possible outcome of that visit!!! A second visit is booked approximately 6 weeks later, can be longer depending on age of the client. You will also receive a complete aftercare kit!! Please use ONLY the items in this kit for the specified time instructed!! They will be crucial to the outcome of the service!!
After you are healed, it is up to the client to maintain use of an extra SPF sunscreen product on the eyebrows and lips to maintain desired color from premature fading due to sun exposure. Color Refreshes are mandatory to keep your Permanent Cosmetics looking their best. Each service will require different times in between these refresh appointments. Ask the suggested time at your consultation.
Enjoying your permanent cosmetics is the final step! Most clients wonder why they waited so long to have their particular service! Wake up every day not having to apply your cosmetics!! Save time, feel and look your best no matter what you are doing.
Please view the Photos page for a sampling of my various services on different ages and skin tones. Also view the FAQ’s to further answer your questions.