Diane Molinaro CPCP, is Dual Certified in Micro-Needling.
Trained under the watchful eyes of Dr. Lance Setterfield, MD and Medical Director of Acacia Dermacare in British Columbia. Trained in the “Medical Roller” Method of Micro-Needling and Collagen Induction Therapy. Diane was given her certification to perform this service in June 2013.
Diane then trained under Master Trainer Mary Ritcherson, in Micro-Needling and Collagen Induction Therapy (CIT), in the “Pen Machine” Method. She received her second certification to perform Micro-Needling and Collagen Induction Therapy (CIT) in January of 2014.
Both trainers are world renowned in their fields.
Micro-Needling is an exciting treatment which has been shown to:
- Smooth Wrinkles and Plump up Fine Lines…Improve the Appearance of Sun/Age
- Spots…Improve Skin Texture, Relax Scars…Improve Depressed Acne Scarring…Fill Old
- Surgical Scars…Improve Chicken Pox Scars…Improve the Appearance of Stretch Marks.
Skin Needling, for scars and wrinkles, has been popular in other countries and its use for scar tissue relaxing is well known and utilized by plastic surgeons in the United States, Europe, Canada and South Africa.
What Makes Micro-Needling Different from Fractional Lasers:
The closest technology to Micro-Needling is Fractional Laser. A fractional laser “drills holes” in the skin to create a wound healing response and leave normal tissue around holes to be reservoirs for fibroblasts and stem cells to migrate into the holes…..Fractional Radio Frequency devices, work on a similar principal and have many of the same side effects as Fractional Laser…..These technologies have similar result for developing collagen induction, but achieve them in different ways.
The laser used light to “char and obliterate” the epidermis to produce small pits which vary in diameter and depth, depending on laser type and manufacturer. Micro-Needling produces reproductive and consistent holes in the skin. Total obliteration of epidermis is omitted…..Side effects differ between technologies. Most fractional lasers leave erythema and edema up to 48 hours after treatment. Resultant downtime is approximately 3-4days for fractional laser treatments. Micro-Needling treatments result in erythema without edema for about 24 hours, hence, less downtime, making it a more desirable alternative to laser resurfacing and chemical peels.
Micro-Needling, results in 50% or more improvement, with just one treatment. (Typically).
Micro Needling – Full Face
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- The right hand side profile shot also shows a scar-line. Note how after 11 weeks the swelling has subsided and scar is softer.
Diane doing Eyebrow Micro-stroking and the client is numbing up for Micro-needling. The forehead was prepared in the same manner after brow procedure was completed
Full Face Micro-Needling before and healed after 3 months
Full Face Micro-Needling before and healed after 3 Micro-Needling sessions, 3 months apart
The above Micro-Needling treatment was performed by Diane Molinaro CPCP.
Lips, eyeliner and eyebrows also by Diane Molinaro CPCP.
Full Face Micro-Needling before and healed after 8 weeks
If You Are Prone to Frequent Cold Sores, Herpes Break Outs, You Are REQUIRED to Be On an Antiviral Medication PRIOR and AFTER the Procedure!! (Check with Your Physician for Medication .)
Benefits and Advantages of Medical Skin Needling
- Cost effective ,Costs less than laser treatments
- Skin is thickened, tightened and elasticity is restored
- A natural response of collagen is introduced
- Can be performed on MOST skin types
- Pigmented marks are lightened
- Fine lines and wrinkles are softened
- Quick healing time
- Can be repeated every 4-6 weeks
- NO Oblation of epidermis
- All areas of face, neck and body can be treated
- Can last 2-10 years or with natural aging process
- Excellent treatment for Upper lip lines, Wrinkles, Photo Damage, Scarring (Acne/ Chicken Pox) and Stretch Marks
Skin Needling Pre-Care and After Care
- Do not wear any make up to appointment!!!!
- NO Mascara
- The area to be treated MUST be FREE of any ACTIVE Acne, old Sore(s), Pimples OR INFECTION!!! (Anti-Virals are REQUIRED for areas around mouth!!)
- Make sure to schedule when you have one to two days of downtime
- The area to be treated will be cleansed with a medical grade cleanser prior to applying the topical anesthetic
- Please arrive to appointment make up free!!
- The are treated WILL be VERY RED the first 24 hours and will gradually lighten with each following day, and feel like a sunburn
- Itchiness and Tenderness will be present during the healing process
- A gentle wash and moisturizer may be used to keep area(s) clean and moist
- An after care kit is recommended (for purchase) for first week after the procedure
- It is recommended to wash your face several times a day (3-4) after the procedure with a gentle cleanser
- The area MAY begin to shed/sluff after a couple of days, revealing new pink skin
- Healing is RAPID and the results will be visible in just a few short days and continue to improve over months
- You may continue your normal skin care regime after 2 weeks and apply makeup when needed. NEW makeup is recommended!
Stretch Marks
Stretch Marks are the result of the deeper collagen layer of the skin stretching beyond its normal limits. Skin Needling has been a more effective way of minimizing the appearance of the stretch marks, where lasers and creams have very little positive results…. The dermal damage that is performed to the area will allow your own collagen, elastin and your own natural melanocytes to begin the repair by improving the blood supply to the area. Though the stretch mark will never return to its normal state… there will be significant improvement and the healing period (Repair) will continue for up to a year. This procedure can be performed as often as every 6 weeks… and ALL skin types are candidates!!
Photos taken before & after treatment for stretch marks
The three stretch mark photos above are used with kind permission of Mary Ritcherson. www.permaentmakeupbymary.com
Age/Sun Spots and Freckles
These areas can be improved, typically, with just one treatment.
Photos taken before treatment for sun spot marks
All the sun-spot photos above are used with kind permission of Mary Ritcherson. www.permaentmakeupbymary.com
Acne Scar Reduction
Skin Needling creates a softer skin texture and softens the fibrous bands to give more flexibility in movement and a more natural blended appearance.
Photos taken before and after treatment for acne marks
“Healed Results” after one treatment 6 weeks later.
The above acne treatment was performed by Diane Molinaro CPCP. Photos taken by Diane Molinaro CPCP.
Micro-needling of chest : before treatment and 3 ½ months after treatment
The above micro-needling treatment was performed by Diane Molinaro CPCP.
Micro-needling of forehead : before treatment and 3 months after treatment
The above micro-needling treatment was performed by Diane Molinaro CPCP.
Micro-needling of face and neck: before treatment and 3 months after treatment
These are neck before and healed result micro-needling 3 months healed
The above micro-needling treatment was performed by Diane Molinaro CPCP.
Micro-needling of peri-oral : before treatment and healed, 3 months after treatment
The above micro-needling treatment was performed by Diane Molinaro CPCP.

- Full Face and Neck $600
- Face $500
- Neck $200
- Chest $250 and up
- Best Value: Full Face, Neck and Chest $800
- Cheeks $400 (Both)
- Forehead $300
- Crow’s Feet $250
- Around Mouth $300
- 3 Service Pkg Face & Neck $1650 (Savings of $150)
- 3 Service Pkg Including Chest $2250 (Savings $300)
- Aftercare Pkgs customized per client $300 and up